A quick recap: After leaving Mackay, we motored to Brampton island about 21 nm due North, due to no wind. A lazy afternoon doing some stand up paddle boarding and then during the night, the wind swung and we had rocky night, prompting us to leave at 7:30.

Hamilton island

Hamilton island

There was  brisk 20-25 knot SE offshore and we sailed to Goldsmith island, about 10 nm further on. The wind was good, so we decided not to stop as we passed Ladysmith, Thomas, Shaw and Lindeman islands. Before we knew it, we went past Hamilton island and after 40 nm decided to anchor in the lee of Whitsunday island.

Joe's beach on Whitsunday island

Joe’s beach on Whitsunday island

Now, in 12 years of sailing in the Whitsunday islands, we have been blessed with no mishaps, other than dragging our anchor once in Turtle Bay. Missing, was running aground! This we promptly did as we sailed into the pretty and inviting Joe’s beach at 3pm. Low tide was at 6pm, so we had to wait until 9pm before Esprit floated free and we could re-anchor. Red faces!

Esprit's involuntary careening.

Esprit’s involuntary careening.

Waiting for high tide with a calming white.

Waiting for high tide with a calming white.

The following day was spent at the very beautiful Nara inlet, before we sailed across to Airlie Beach to fill up with diesel and do some shopping in town.

Paddle boarding at Nara inlet.

Paddle boarding at Nara inlet.